Saturday, February 2, 2013

Big Things Blog

Having a broken ankle is amazing in so far that it forces you into doing those things you've been avoiding whilst you sit on your butt and let your body do it's recovery thing. One of those things I've been avoiding is compiling a Big Things blog of all my Big Things adventures, turns out despite its time consuming nature it was really fun to put together and will now be easy for me to update.
So here is the link, Big Things of Oz

My ankle by the way, is feeling amazing, two weeks seemed to be the magic time for no longer needing pain tablets every four hours. I'm having a lot of trouble getting into the hospital, so I still don't know if I need an operation or not, I have a feeling by the time they transfer me to a Brisbane hospital it will be time for my cast to come off, which is exciting in itself!

My next project is my cat book, which I've started designing and is keeping me creatively entertained, I've given up on my photo a day challenge and instead have become all consumed by cats!

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