Saturday, May 4, 2013

Balcony tv

There's this thing called Balcony TV where they film local bands on local balconies which happens all around the World and gets broadcasted on!

Ben actually beat boxed for one of his friends bands, the Trash fairies which you can check out here and was asked to come back on his own, so he teamed up with his mate Daz and they wrote a song over the course of a few days, it was fun to watch it all come together :). You won't be able to watch their actual performance for another few months (they film in advance) but I did grab a few pictures for fun :)

I was actually deathly sick but trying to be a nice supportive girlfriend on the day of filming. I got the flu on Sunday and had to pike on Emaya's and mine awesome camping plans. I've been a very boring person this past week, much whinging has occurred + feeling sorry for myself, lol, but I are the pics!

Ben wore these full eye black contacts, which I had to put in for him. I want to only say nice things about Ben but I'm going to go all out and say the contacts creeped me out big time and I couldn't look Ben in the face! I'm still proud of his commitment to weirdness though :)

The boys listening to their playback, they nailed it in one take!
Can't wait until the video comes out and I can share that with you guys :)


  1. That's so cool :) LOVE the swing shot hehe awesome
    Those contacts Ben has are quite scary! Look forward to seeing the video :) xo feel better sickie

  2. The contacts were scary! I kept getting a fright when I'd forget Ben was wearing them :P

    Thanks Heather! I'm loading up on ginger today to try and fight it, it's getting pretty annoying, I just want to be better :)

    Nice to see you guys for a second last night!


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