Thursday, May 9, 2013

Carabiner Love

In 2010 Ben and I started a photographic Project called Carabiner Love, inspired by Paul Octavious who photographed one hill, every day, for 2 years.  We got to Week 18 in our project though and stopped.  There was this weird promo car that stayed for far too long that we felt killed it.  Though we then made this video and were going to re-start the project in a new spot (that completely fizzled out :P) Anyway, the other day we were at our spot and decided to pose it up for old time sake :)  I then started going back over our pictures and thought it would be fun to do a re-cap post.  What was funny was our last ever pose, happened to be gangster too! We must not have that many ideas :P

week one

 week two

week three (in our Alice themed party get ups)

week four

week five

week six

week seven (we got in trouble with security for the sparklers!)

week eight

week nine...lolly teeth!

week ten

week eleven

week twelve, I'm being run over and Ben is wearing his robsessed home made tee to twilight, he isn't really obsessed but I am :)

week thirteen - toilet paper mummies!

week fourteen - blowing bubbles

week fifteen

week sixteen

week seventeen

Gangsters for life, obviously :P


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