One of my favourite blogs of all time The Cat you and Us recently answered some questions tagged on from the Liebster award + Sunshine blogger award. They've handed me five new questions to play along with!
So it's time get to know some random things about me!
So it's time get to know some random things about me!
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source: chai / honey |
01 – Which is your latest guilty pleasure?
Chai Tea! Have you heard that honey is good for you? I don't mind honey but I was convinced that it was absolutely disgusting when added to tea instead of sugar which in turn disgusted my room mates who all believe honey is awesome! I got introduced to Byron Bay Chai (which is the best chai I've ever had) and then after being sick with a flu before Christmas I decided to get over my honey/tea hatred and buy some honey. I made sure to read all the labels at the supermarket - 100% cold pressed honey with bee pollen is apparently the way to go and I ended up choosing Byron Bay honey. Since giving honey a chance I'm now addicted and I keep adding more and more to my chai each morning - the more honey I add the more I tell myself it's healthy for me :P
02 – Do you have any special piece of clothing or complement? Which one and why?
I'm really boring when it comes to clothing, I literally wear t-shirts and skirts 99% of the time. I love dressing up though and I love when people put effort into their outfits or make them semi-theatrical :) I did have one special ring that I've had since 2005. I was given it by a girl, at a party, it was a silver boy-esque ring and I ended up wearing it everyday whilst living in Japan. The ring went a few years after that sitting in a jewelry box before I pulled it out again and we've been inseparable ever since. I believe that you can give magical qualities to inanimate objects. The ring became a sort of security blanket for me, I'd fiddle with it when I was nervous/bored and if I wasn't wearing it I'd look around for it, wondering why I'd taken it off and where I'd left it. I'm not sure that it was a healthy relationship :P I ended up loosing the ring in Singapore, Ben offered to go back to the spot I'd left it but I kind of felt it was time to say goodbye - I do hope whoever found it receives lots of luckiness from it :) I've bought about five rings since to try and replace it but none have lived up to it's magical powers...I'm still looking :)
03 – Which were your three favorite toys when you were a little girl?
I was ridiculously spoiled as a kid, so this is hard to choose. I remember my troll collection was pretty epic I also remember using hanker-chiefs with them that I would turned into caves! I also had a pretty awesome collection of Sylvanian Families, My Littlest Pet Shop and Barbies!
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04 – Which type of apocalypse would you have more probabilities to survive: zombie or alien invasion? I love zombies movies so just going on the amount of movies I've watched I think I'm better equipped with knowledge for zombie survival. I'm also really useless. You know how people think they'll be the last survivor I kind of think the opposite that I'd be eaten within the first few minutes :P
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05 – How do you see yourself in 5 years? Ahh this is an awesome question. Will I still be blogging (probably :P) Will I have a cat? (most definite to that one!) Will I have a kid? Will I be a Wedding Photographer or be doing something that I love to do? (I hope so!) Will I still be living in the Sunshine Coast/Queensland/Australia? The possibilities are endless but what I always want for my life is to be happy and content but also challenging myself, so in whatever form I can make those things come true than hopefully that's how my life will be :)
I'm going to make up five new questions for five peeps
I'm picking five blogs I've really enjoyed reading in 2013 :)
Petra from the blog Talulaah,
Katrina Sophia, Emily from Thimble,
Sara from Random Places, Familiar Faces
and last but not least Trishie from Under Lock and Key
Of course I read and enjoy a lot more than five blogs so I hope nobody feels left out because anyone can play along, I'd love to read everyones answers!
1) Are you extroverted or introverted?
2) Tell us a favourite childhood memory
3) What do you think happens to you when you die?
4) Was your first kiss awesome, horrible or somewhere in between?
and lastly (inspired by the movie, Crystal Fairy)
5) What's your biggest fear?
It's good that you embraced honey. It has so many great health benefits! I think I'd be quite rubbish during a zombie apocalypse as well.
ReplyDeleteRowena @ rolala loves
I will say my cold went really quickly after taking heaps of honey (among my myraid of other random cures!) so it did help me in embracing my honey! My plan of attack for any invasion has always just been to hide :P
Deletelove this! and i had a huge collection of trolls! i totally forget about them until i read your answer! thanks for the quick walk down memory lane!
ReplyDeleteI think I even had troll earrings and a necklace! It was epic :P
DeleteSylvanian Families! I only had the raccoon family, but I loved them to bits. It was so tempting to just buy the whole department of them when I found them in Japan. And, yay for honey! I much prefer honey in my tea to sugar. I also indulge in a little holistic cold remedy whenever I start to feel congested: 1 Tbs raw honey with 1 minced clove of garlic. It won't make the cold disappear all together, but I've found when I do this soon enough I can cut down on one or two days of misery.
ReplyDeleteI didn't have the raccoon family but they look so cute with their fluffy tails (thanks google)! I do try and go the raw garlic route, I'm actually a garlic fiend, if a meal can have garlic in it, then it probably will :P Also when cookbook say one clove I usually translate that into one bulb, he he he!
DeleteFee! I'm so excited to see your answers :) I'm a chai fan but I guess I still haven't find the right honey for it, still sticking to sugar, but you have convinced me to start looking again! The story of the ring is so sweet, I even exclaimed a oh no! out loud after reading that you lost in Singapore. I'm sure you'll soon find the right replacement and this will follow its own path of giving good luck to lot of people ;) Sylvain families! don't get me started on how much I loved them as a kiddo (Dani is rolling eyes everytime I mention them afraid that my madness will begin as an adult as well, hahaha). I had the bear, rhino, crocodile and gorilla families. Hahaha loved your answer for the apocalypse one and that you add a Zombieland pic, that was a funny movie! ( saw it in Sitges film festival with a theater full of zombie fanatics, it was a fest ;p)
ReplyDeleteI think chai is the most open to honey, I still haven't added it to other teas though, that might be too far for me! I wish the ring had a little camera on it so I could follow it's adventures - that would be amazing!
ReplyDeleteWow, I don't think we got the rhino, crocodile or gorilla families, I had to google all the different types - they are so cool! I remember having the frogs, bunnies (a wedding couple), ducks and the hedgehogs, who were my favourite because they came with a brush you could brush their hair with :P I also had this amazing house and horse carriage thing - epic. I would probably buy them again now but I feel my velvet fear is out of control, I'm not sure if I had it so much as kid or I just ignored it because they were so cute! I remember everything being so well made, like the toilet had the little flip seat and the light really worked :P
Zombieland was the movie Ben and I watched on our first date together, so it definitely has good memories attached :)
awww i loved your answers :D
ReplyDeletealways lovely to know more stuff about you - hope my post will be interesting ( i will try!)
yay! can't wait Sara!
Deletei don't know what to ask ahahahah
Deletelol, you're a thoughtful soul with beautiful words, you'll ace this!
DeleteMan I was crazy jealous of your sylvanian family collection, I remember when we came to visit and you guys wanted to play outside I was always secretly like "we should totally play with this awesomeness right here" lol!! Can't wait to deck my dolls house out with it to give to Lucy when she's a bit less likely to eat it :)
ReplyDeleteHoney yeah I'm not sure how I feel about it, it's nice in stuff but I have bad memories of travelling as a kid and having to swallow crushed up car sickness pills in a big spoon of honey at like 3am lol so I'm a bit warped. I have heard good things about chai tea, perhaps I shall give it a whirl. Anyway epic comment sorry hehe I love reading these quizzy things :)
Yay for tomorrow!! I'll text you a time to meet up xxxx loves
aww you are so cute Heather! Arghh I just sent you a message on facebook, should probably read comments first, I'm super excited tomorrow is happening!!!! I don't know why I was put off honey, I vaguely remember my parents doing the same thing with the tablets so maybe I've been scarred from childhood too! I think mostly I'm just stubborn and when I decide I don't like something it sticks :P
Deleteaw thanks for choosing me :-) I am new to writing about myself on my blog so I'll write a draft and try and get up the guts to post it haha
ReplyDeletep.s. how fricken awesome are troll dolls!
No pressure, you definitely don't have to if you don't want too :) *chases with a stick* :P