Tuesday, July 13, 2021


I took an unexpected break from blogging and in the process fell face flat on my pattern project :(  Hopefully, over the next few months, I can find my feet again but in the meantime, I thought it would be nice to share what's been stealing my time.  Camonstera! Yup, my new obsession is painting vivid camo monstera leaves, which you may remember started off as a woodcut here. I've been sharing my journey over on my spirityou insta and figured it was high time I'd shared here as well.  Below is a collection of finished photos along with some in-the-making shots.

painting in progress

bright art

colourful art for home

colour painting

painting monstera

tropical leaf painting

rainbow monstera art

spirit you painting

fiona harding art

monstera painting for wall

bright tropical painting

bright art

australian painting for sale

bright art painting

painting piece

You can find them over on my spirityou site - here!

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