Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Book Review - Beating Endo

beating endo

This book became a cornerstone in how I approach my own endometriosis. Written by Dr. Iris Orbuch (a surgeon ) and Amy Stein (a physical therapist) 'Beating Endo' provides a deep dive and holistic approach to treating and managing endo. The name of the book is fantastic because it implies hope “beat” but also suggests it's an ongoing process “beating” and requires many different attacking angles. A book that lacks a definitive solution might sound horribly pessimistic but from my own experience (where health professionals repeated told me surgery was the only option and not a reliable one) a book full of actionable steps equated to treasured gold.

I remember being scheduled for endo surgery and having a Q&A with a doctor.  Well, I thought it was a Q&A. I came prepared with a head full of questions about the upcoming surgery and not one of them was answered. I left the room upset and confused, my only thought was to ask that my surgery be placed further back in the cue whilst I figured it out on my own. After reading this book, all my questions were answered. It's not a pro or anti surgery book it's a book which suggests what endometriosis really is, a complex disease that requires a multi-pronged treatment plan.

If you have endo and suffer from pelvic related pain, painful sex, urination/bowel issues, or painful periods this book will address all of these areas and offer practical guidance. I believe if the book was a mandatory read for health care professionals, the education provided would radically reduce the average time (a median of eight years) that an individual with endo is correctly diagnosed.

It's a fantastic book and a way forward. 9/10

A quick googling online pointed out two main complaints of the book, one being the ideas weren't cost realistic for many and that the gendered writing style was not inclusive. I hate that the book excluded folk and hopefully, revisions can be made in the future to address this feedback. I personally couldn't implement all ideas due to the cost factor but I hope to slowly implement what I can when possible. I'm also fortunate to live in a country (Australia) with free health care and I realised this isn't available to everyone. I gave this book a high rating because I believe that a clear message on the complexities of endometriosis and the empowerment of taking back our own health is needed and invaluable. There's so much research that still needs to be done but this book collates everything we do know by two leaders in their field.

/Book Review sets out to share some of my favourite library finds, encouraging others to do the same :)

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