Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Canon EOS 3

A good few months back something totally awesome happened to me, but it wasn't without it's drama!  I pulled into my favourite op shop and spied a gentleman, over in the camera section, picking up and looking at my dream camera! My heart starting racing, I've been wanting a canon film camera that could fit all my lenses for yonks now! The guy was looking at the camera for what felt like eternity before FINALLY putting it down, hurrah! I was so happy (I probably not so subtly rushed over) and $3 later she was mine.

 Now the thing is film cameras usually do still require a battery so when I turned on the beast nothing happened, which maybe explained the $3 price tag and not the $200ish price they go for. It looked in awesome condition though so I was secretly hoping all would be swell with just a new battery. I think we know where this story goes...yup, a new battery did the trick :) Such good timing too because I've been neglecting film ever since my Olympus and I came crashing down on slippery ice last year in Tassie. Let's just say that fall didn't do good things :(

So the Canon EOS 3 is awesome, I've only shot one roll (Ektar 100) so far and I've got a roll of Kodak portra 400 currently in it - which I'm going to use up on my trip :) The nice thing about this camera, is it auto loads (excites the laziness in me), is super easy to take double or more exposures on it and I can use all my lenses on it :)

I think if I'm giving anyone starting out in photography advice, I'd say the lens play a much greater part than the body :) I know that seems crazy since I've just been raving about this body, but film is in a slightly different ball game for me, as a large part of what makes film lovely is from the actual film itself :) It's nice not to have to play around in LR or photoshop to get the colours just right! 

So tomorrow I'm off to Singapore, weeeee, I'm quite literally wearing all my clothes on board the flight so I can fit all my camera gear, he he he, I couldn't stop giggling when I told Ben this plan.  I also made sure to do a trial run of wearing all my clothes at once, just to make sure I didn't look too silly :P

Whilst I'm away (a week and a bit) I'm going to share a film photo a day, just so my blog doesn't get too many cobwebs! See you guys on the flip side with hopefully lots of photos to share!


  1. nice buy! Enjoy your singapore trip :)

  2. $3 bargain!!! :)
    Ahhh I'm glad you found the camera you like.
    Holidays weeeeee!! Have a super awesome time, I look forward to the piccies :)

  3. It's such a thrill when you find something you've been looking for! Awesome find! have a super time in Singapore!

  4. I have a Canon Eos 5 <3 my oldest and faithful friend!

    Hope you are having the time of your life in Singapore!

  5. Okay 5 is my dream camera, but 3 came a close second, he he he!

  6. I love those sorts of op shop finds...lucky you

    1. It was definitely one happy moment :)


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