Saturday, August 20, 2011

Japan Day 12 Part Two

So the second part of the day we decided to go to the zoo. I have a love/hate relationship with zoos, the good part is on a purely selfish level you get to see animals you wouldn't normally have the chance of seeing but on the other hand you know their enclosures are just way too small. I don't know too much about Ueno Zoo, but let's hope they do lots of breeding programs and re-releasing back into the wild :)

So I'm going to let the pictures do the talking...

I'll stop here and say that Japan had an unhealthy obsession with Pandas! I found out it's all because of the return home of Ueno zoos star attraction..the giant pandas!.  People were going nutty for all things Panda!

Trying to get a peek!

I made a little gif of the dude, just cause despite all his paparazzi hoo-ha, he was just chill-axing with his carrot :P Didn't even think he was all that giant :P Am I allowed to say that?


  1. PANDAS!! Definitely my favourite animal :)

    I definitely understand the love/hate zoo relationship, I have the same! At seaworld the other day I was so annoyed, cause they have all this stuff about people ruining the environment and hurting fish and stuff, and then one of their shows is a jet ski jumping demo thing?!?! I think I'm missing something there...

    but yeah animals are the best! Some very cute pictures here!
    And I love love love that sign about not feeding the animals hehehe cute :)

  2. Yeah I think zoos are kind of hypocritical but then so am I, so I should be quiet now :P

    I love seaworlds huge aquarium though! totally trance enducing!

    Animals are the best!


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