Monday, November 14, 2011

Ginger Factory

Now Ben is back to the desert *sad face* I'm left reminiscing of times long gone :P
Well at least the last day he was here when we went to the ginger factory!

We actually had gone the weekend previous and discovered upon a magical tacky boat ride...$11.50 each! *gasp* It was right up our alley so Ben quizzed the girl manning the ride if it was worth the penny, she didn't give raving reviews but she said it went for 15 minutes and was super slow *light bulb* cool pictures? I didn't have my camera so we ventured back the next weekend. 

Having recently bought a tripod I snuck that in on the ride :P Whilst setting up my tripod (which is quite hard in the dark) we soon learnt that taking photos on a moving boat in darkness is no easy feat :P we went round a few corners and Ben in a panicked voice went "I think this is the end". I was all un-stressed saying, no no, it's only been a few minutes. Turns out it was the end and not wanting to get caught out with the whole photographic set up (which by the way I just managed to set up) we scrambled, well Ben did, to get it all packed away before we got caught by the attendee. I'm not sure why it's uncouth to be seen with a tripod set up, but the last thing I wanted was to be escorted off the premises or something...I always conjure up the most embarrassing scenarios! Anyway whilst I froze, as we turned the corner, into lightness, Ben had it all under control and managed to have it all packed away by the time we got back to the start. I have a feeling the attendee knew everything though cause when we made eye contact with him he said...
"want to go around again?"

YEs! I lost it, laughing my arse off, anyhoo his time around on the ride I only used my small point and shoot and between us we came out with the most terrible photos, ha ha ha! Oops, oh well we had fun, haven't laughed that much in ages.

And what was our review of the ride? Well for a million dollar ride (can't verify that's true because it was told to us, by the girl who said, the ride lasted 15 minutes) it didn't win us over :P

What did win me over was the cleverly placed chocolate shop next door



  1. I've been on that boat ride!! :) Ahh the memories hehe

    That's so funny though, I have a big smile on my face as I read this hehehe, nice of them to send you round again :D

    Those chocolate shoes look amazing, theres some talented folks out there! Or maybe a machine made them....I choose to think it was a person hehehe

    See you saturday weeeeeeeeeee!!!

  2. Did you love it Heather?? lol

    The chocolate shoes are amazing I think they are done by hand! Let's say they are anyway :P

    Looking forward to catching up again :)


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