I finally got some film developed - woohoo! I popped some 100 lomography colour film into my Olympus film camera (my OM-1). My local film lab processed it normally and then I scanned it at home using my digital camera (you can read about that set up here).

I'm still deep in the World of making wooden stands. At the moment it's where 80% of my time is being spent on and I couldn't be happier. The best place to follow me with my Spirit You project is definitely on my instagram page and I'll make sure to follow you back!

We live near some really amazing nature and I'm proud of how much adventuring we have done this first half of the year!

Still flower obsessed too :)

Another thing (I'm not sure I have shared yet) is that almost every weekend, I've been climbing a mountain with the family. I'm not the most fit person in the World so it's often pushed me far outside my comfort zone but it's been amazing for my health. We don't have scales in our home but I have been getting lots of nice feedback from people that I've lost weight which has been a pleasant side effect. A big drive for me has been looking at the issue from a long term perspective. There's lots of health problems in my family and I'd love to be healthy and active in my 40's, 50s, 60s and beyond - wouldn't that be amazing :)
I've also been able to maintain (proudly for almost a year now!) a daily 30 minute walk. Even though I'm never super stoked on exercise, both the walking and climbing have been do-able for me. People often talk about the endorphins they get from exercise, which is not something I personally experience. The thing that has helped me commit was to incorporate something that I do enjoy alongside the exercise. With my morning walk I listen to a podcast and with the climbing, I really love nature so that has been a big draw card! I do so much sitting on the computer during a day that it's been so positive to incorporate (even just a little bit) of physical exercise into my day :)

Although this was a colour roll of film, I thought the photo of Lowy's dog, Shanti on the log, looked super cute in black and white!

More mountains!

We have these mountains on the Sunshine Coast called the Glass House mountains which have definitely whipped my butt these last six months

I know there are so many blogs and things out there and it's impossible to visit them all - so it really means a lot that you have given your time to read this xoxo
BIG thanks!!
BIG thanks!!
Gorgeous photos, as always! And that's so great about your climbing and walking! I've been doing lots of barre and pilates and can definitely feel myself getting stronger. I wish I could be like my fiance and just be totally active 98% of the time but I do like my rest... Haha. Even today, I went to a pilates class this morning and then swiftly came back home and took a nap! But I think that's okay sometimes. Following you IG ASAP!