Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Book Review - Daily Rituals

I'm a big fan of Daily Rituals: How Artists Work (first edition) and the second edition Daily Rituals; Women at Work. The Author, Mason Currey, used the second edition to correct the imbalance of the first where 80% of the artists featured were males. I love the correction, I love the routines, I love the variation of creatives from visuals artists, to writers to performers.

daily rituals book

My Notes

-simple routines
-antisocial, okay to be a loner
-set structures
-afternoon swim/walk to break up the day
-use of meditation before creativity
-need to block out time (no distractions) be in a flow state
-can be more complex to carve out time as a woman but it's okay to make sacrifices for your art

Mason Currey daily rituals


“Life has much uneasiness; that is certain. Always remember that, and it will never surprise you” -James Boswell

“I intend to save my daughter from the reefs on which her mother's life has been wrecked.” - Karl Marx

“Basically I enjoy everything I am never bored.” - Henri Matisse

“If you write half an hour a day it makes a lot of writing year by year.” - Gertrude Stein

“I wish I had a routine for writing, I get up in the morning and I go out to my studio and I write. And then I tear it up! That's the routine, really. Then, occasionally, something sticks. And then I follow that. The only image I can think of is a man walking around with an iron rod in his hand during a lightning storm” - Arthur Miller

“Write one amazing book devote the other time to flowers.” - L Frank Baum

“A great deal of what I have written has come in the night, when I have slept for a couple of hours and then woke up. I am clear-headed then and acutely impressionable. I always have a pencil and paper by my bed, I do not use light but start writing immediately in the dark if I feel something is streaming through me.  It has become a habit and I have no difficulty deciphering my writing in the morning.” - Knut Hamsun

“We have failed to recognise our great asset: time. A conscientious use of it could make us into something quite amazing.” - Friedrich Schiller

“The seed of a future composition usually reveals itself suddenly, in the most unexpected fashion. If the soil is favourable – that is, if I am in the mood for work, this seed takes root with inconceivable strength and speed, bursts through the soil, puts out roots, leaves, twigs, and finally flowers. I can not define the creative process except through this metaphor. All the difficulties lie in this; that the seed should appear and that it should find itself in favourable circumstances. All the rest happens of its own accord. It would be futile for me to try and express to you in words the boundless bliss of that feeling which envelopes you when the main idea has appeared and when it beckons to take definite forms. You forget everything, you are almost insane, everything inside you trembles and writes, you scarcely manage to set down sketches, one idea presses upon another.” - Pyotr Llich Tchaikovsky

Mark Twain
“There were few experiences of life, grave or gay which did not amuse him, even when they wronged him.”

Murakmi wakes up at 4am and works for five to six hours straight. In the afternoons (his wife and him moved to the country) he runs or swims (or does both) runs errands, reads and listens to music, bedtime is 9pm. “The repetition itself becomes the important thing, it's a form of mesmerism. I mesmerise myself to reach a deeper state of mind. People are offended when you repeatedly turn down their invitations”. - Haruki Murakami

“The afternoon is spent writing, if I am up to it. I sometimes fall asleep or into a deep reverie, lying on my couch and this may put my brain in an “idling” or “default” mode. I let it play with images and thoughts on it own; I come to from these altered states, if I am lucky with energy renewed and confused thoughts clarified” - Oliver Sacks

“Because you won't get those four hours if you're spending most of the day worrying about getting to an appointment and back. What you have to do is clear all distraction. That's the bottom line”. - Anne rice

“It's actively anti-social, on the other hand, it is pro-creative. When it all comes together, a creative life has the nourishing power we normally associate with food, love and faith.” - Twyla Tharp

“A poem is never finished only abandoned” - Paul Valey 

I think that the unconscious – which sometimes expresses itself through artists – is a medium of other spirits – of other deities: to let us have things that we can't have rationally” - Ntozake Shange

I enjoy people best if I can be alone much of the time” - Octavia Butler

The great things about being an artist is that you can create time and are not ruled by it” - Josephine Meckseper

 /Book Review sets out to share some of my favourite library finds, encouraging others to do the same :)

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