Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Book Review - The Book of Moods

the book of moods

“It was around four o’clock, the sun already setting, the drinks already flowing, and Michael BublĂ©’s Christmas album wafting from the speakers when the front door flew open in a gust of icy wind, sending a chill up my spine. Aunt Linda had just arrived, carrying her traditional Christmas cookies and steaming plate of judgment.”

Lauren Martin has a clever way with words. Of weaving together narratives, of using vivid stories and scattering in great quotes from other women. I knew I'd appreciate this book from following Lauren's insta account, words of women, which is always classy and full of inspiration - she has a style and it's great. The only thing I personally couldn't relate to with this book (and it's quite a present theme, since the book is about moods) is her proclivity towards anger. There were definitely stories and emotions and moods I did relate to and because I could relate, those resonated & were more enjoyable. I powered through those pages. I imagine if anger is your knee-jerk reaction to unpleasant situations (even seemingly small incidents) this book will be your jam. A lot of the time, as I was reading, I put myself in her shoes and realised I would have just had a flood of tears, overthought everything, and felt sorry for myself – but I didn't write this book.

If you've ever had a mood in your life I'm sure you'll get something out of the book, with each chapter offering an antidote that's simple enough to implement yourself. Her writing is great and I love how the chapters are put together with enough breaks to keep things interesting, actually it's one of my favourite parts of the book!


“The rejections. The unfulfilled dreams. The luck that never came. I knew how to stand in line and how to calmly handle leaking air conditioners, but I didn’t know how to handle this part of the mood. The nagging worry that nothing would actually ever work out for me. I had gone through all the moods, I finally had everything I wanted, yet I was waking up with a feeling I’d never had before—doubt. What was next? Why did everything feel so far away? What was there to look forward to?”

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