Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Five

Since I designed my own Christmas card this week I have X-mas cards on the brain soo I've decided  to do a card themed  friday five!

Card One:
The first is from an esty shop called Sugar Beet Press, run by Joy Kolitsky with her husband Jonathan Marshall they have lots of sweet cards in their shop, love her illustrative style!

Card 2:
This card come from etsy artist benconservato aka Emily Kidd, a Sydney artist to boot, lover her style, always have!

Card 3: 

This card put a huge smile on my dial and comes from the bad kids etsy shop, even a rad shop name!

Card 4:
Belongs to etsy shop  Pequod ahhh a pug in a christmas sweater! Total amazingness! Artist Mike Young gets a double thumbs up from me!

Card 5:

Comes from Hine Mizushima (pronounced Hee-neh - Japanese) who runs they etsy shop Hine, I first found out about her from her stop motion animation she did for they might be giants, total radness!


  1. Cool collection of cards Fee.

  2. how awesome! i especially love the first and last one! :)

  3. yeah I got a nice suprise to see how many rad cards were actually out there!


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