Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Aussie World

On Sunday Ben and I used our free Aussie World certificates! Aussie World is well, not so World-like and more like a mildly amusing fun day out. Actually when thinking of an appropriate Aussie World catch phrase I came up with "meh"
Nah it really wasn't that bad, Ben and I had fun anyway, free fun, let's not forget that!!!

First up was the dodgem cars! There was this one poor girl who kept getting stuck in corners and causing traffic jams, there's always one!!

After dodgems we hoped on the ferris wheel, I think this actually turned out to be a highlight :P

After the ferris wheel was the flight simulator ride. The lady sitting next to us laughed the entire way through it, which I personally really appreciate :)

Then it was time for the rollercoaster. Which was 10% scary 90% fun

Then mini golf!! Who doesn't love mini golf?

I stand by my statement that theme parks love doing "run down" town rides and attractions for one reason...no maintenance!

Never actually went on the chair ride but it made for some nice photos :P

Ben got his arcade on and then we made the stupid decision to go on some nausea inducing ride, bad bad idea, we were pretty much routed after that even the carousel which I was keen to go on before, suddenly didn't look that great...

we made a quick get away but not before passing through their awesome gift shop...

Ben got a dingo mitten :)


  1. Were there many people there? :/ it seems like the kind of place that people would ONLY go to because they had free tickets/passes.

  2. hahaha awww well now i won't be tempted by aussie world anymore, whenever we drove past it I was always like hmmm should go check that out. but now i think the photos and tales of you guys' trip is enough to satisfy me hehehe

    oh and i never do dodgem cars cause i am ALWAYS that one that gets stuck in the corner panicking :)

    i meant to say on sunday night too - your bow looked very cute in your hair :)

    *waves* love ya

  3. yeah its definitely pretty lame not worth the 25 bucks entry fee! Maddie there were surprisingly a large amount of people for a wet rainey day, well I was imagining it would be just Ben and I at the park, maybe they are giving away a lot of free tickets :P

    Thanks heather for the bow compliment, I should wear more bows, I'm a lazy dresser :P

    The poor girl stuck at dodgems she really get hammered, not so much that people were picking on her, more that they had to ram her for her to get out of the way, poor thing!

  4. hmmm so THAT'S aussie world! what a weird place. i thought they'd have more 'aussie-themed' rides. riding a kangaroo ride anyone? etc. disappointment. it's cool though, my expectations weren't that high.

  5. totally lacked aussie-ness!!!!
    my expectations weren't too high either, people that have lived here all their life tend to poo poo it, but hey, I can say I've been now, woot! well I think that deserves a woot!


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