I love looking back on the year! I think my 2021 was a mix of the following: creativity/covid/sadness/courage/renovations. I'm really proud of myself for navigating my way through, making some bold choices, following my heart, loads of creativity, strength, and making our home beautiful :) :)
My 2021 monthly blog project was Creative Mock & Submit, where I drew and submitted a design each month. I promised an update at the end of the year. Out of all the companies I submitted to, only one emailed back and that was to say they do in-house design. Despite always having super high expectations around my creativity, I was fairly open to whatever direction this monthly challenge headed. Reflecting back, all I can say is that it's tough being an artist! BUT I'm super proud for putting myself out there and not letting rejection stop me :)
We finished our lounge/dining room renovation in January, felt great to start the year with fresh white walls!
Was the due date month of my miscarriage, and I got incredibly sad - sad at seeing pregnant people, sad at seeing my period, sad at random times of the day/month. I went to the doctor to get referred to a psychologist but that lead to a dead-end (they were either booked out or very expensive!). I struggled on throughout the months and luckily I was able to overcome my grief/depression on my own which I'm really grateful for :) Big love for anyone out there who has or is currently going through the low times themselves! I have no grand solutions just the story to share where my heaviness (which felt unmoveable!) became much lighter.
Reno-wise we got solar installed and finished the hallway and Ben's bedroom!
I experienced my first covid test, negative luckily :) We were super lucky in QLD to have low cases and low restrictions. Very very lucky!!

We took joop to the vet for an official "fat toe" diagnosis. Luckily after a few weeks and no walks (sad dog!) Joop's swollen toe was back to normal:) I also went to a first nations weaving workshop which was super fun :)

Visited the nambour show, sanded bedroom windows, and started compiling my poetry book
First time to try VR and acupuncture and a covid vaccination and I quit my job!!!
I had been wanting to quit for a long time but finally had the courage.
After quitting I threw myself into my art and poetry!
My turtle shield paintings
My thrifted pair of tap dance shoes. I want to get more into tap dancing (learn routines!) in 2022
I finished my poetry book – just need to get it published (new goal for 2022!)
My printer died which in a way spelled the end for my burntfeather etsy shop (currently on vacation mode) but potentially a full close down next year! End of an era! On a happier note, I had a lovely stroll around Noosa Botanics!
Picked up a free desk off fb marketplace which started the bedroom reno.
Also had the scare of my life when my hard drove froze which almost spelled the end of my poetry book but I was (thankfully!) able to retrieve it all!!
I gave Ben a fresh fade haircut (thanks you-tube!) and coloured my hair the most purple colour I could find at the supermarket (sadly not that purple)
My little brother turned 18 and we saw van gogh alive
and a big heaviness arrived as Ben's Neice died and we drove down to Port Macquarie :(
Also, despite going the 100% creative route, it was super financially scary (can I eat this week?!?), so I started a new job, which hopefully will still give me loads of creative time as well. I'm telling ya this artist gig is tough but I'm gonna keep going forever because of how much fulfillment/happiness it brings!
I'm envisioning more creativity, learning a proper tap dance routine, IVF, another go at full-time creativity, believing in myself, allowing emotions, and getting my poetry book published! That's probably too much but go big or go home :P